This site has been archived as part of King's Digital Lab (KDL) archiving and sustainability process, following background analysis and consultation with research leads wherever possible.

Project content and data has been stored as a fully backed-up Virtual Machine and can be made available on request (depending on access controls agreed with the Principal Investigator) for a period of at least 2 years from the decommissioning date indicated below.

If you have an interest in this project and would like to support a future phase please contact us by filling in this form.

At its inception, KDL inherited just under 100 digital research projects and websites. Aware of the intellectual and cultural value of many of these projects, with the support of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King’s College London, KDL took on its responsibility to the community to steward them in a responsible manner. When the options of setting up a Service Level Agreement for further hosting and maintenance with KDL and/or undertaking migration to IT Services at King’s or other institutions were deemed infeasible or inappropriate, the archiving process was initiated.

We would like to thank research leads, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King’s College London, and partner institutions, for their support in this process.

For further information on KDL archiving and sustainability process see:

Project name

Mapping Shakespeare's London

Project principal investigator(s)

Hannah Crawforth

Decommission Date

5 March 2018

Archive URL(s)

Additional links

Internet Archive


Students studying Shakespeare often complain that the playwright’s work is remote from the time and place they live in. The aim of this project is to enhance students’ understanding of Shakespeare by showing them that the city in which most of his great plays were written is still alive and well on their very own doorsteps. This project will help students to understand the context in which the plays were written, through the historical mapping of Shakespeare’s city. The violence of Titus Andronicus begins to seem more understandable when students recognize the gruesome capital punishments and blood sports witnessed by everyday Londoners, for instance. The Inns of Court, which provided an early performance venue for Shakespeare’s plays, and whose legal concerns are evident in Measure for Measure and The Merchant of Venice, continue to thrive right next to King’s. This project will directly impact upon students’ study of the plays by visibly charting the place out of which they grew, and showing them that they are not so remote as they might seem from present-day London.

This innovative project is designed as a learning and teaching tool to support students on the “Shakespeare in London” MA module. When complete it will be published as a fully searchable online map of the London in which William Shakespeare lived and worked, generating new insight into the plays written in that city, and encouraging undergraduates to present their independent research in a compelling way to the wider public.